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Posts posted by FrankH

  1. A feature that doesn't work is a bug. If this feature did something useful now, it could be kept and improved later. But this current implementation does nothing at all, even though it looks like it is doing something since it momentarily displays a different icon. This is a bug!

    Remove the deceptive icon until the code is written that makes it work.

    This bug is what got me so frustrated that I was minutes from leaving a bad review on play store.

  2. Thanks Andre, I've calmed down a bit now. I was still very frustrated when I wrote that last note. I apologise for my threats of a down vote.

    But can you please tell me what the shuffle icon is doing out at the level of the playlist where you can see all the songs? Tapping it does not cycle through a sequence of shuffle states (which is what I expected based on V2). It is always just in the two intertwined arrow state. Every time you tap it, at the  bottom of the page you momentarily see a "shuffle all songs and  categories" version of the shuffle icon, that then quickly disappeared -- leaving the icon at the top in the same the two intertwined arrow shuffle state. 

    Is that a bug? If not, please explain that to me...

  3. Finally, I got it to work. Thanks, but it shouldn't be this hard.

    The problem is that there is a shuffle icon out at the level where I see the entire (single) playlist, but that icon seems to be in the state of not shuffling, but when you press it, at the bottom of the page you momentarily see a "shuffle all songs and categories" version of the shuffle icon, that then (too) quickly disappeared -- leaving the icon at the top in the same no shuffle state. That is wrong, confusing, and looks like a bug. 

    You should NOT have to start playing an individual song of a playlist to get to see the controls (repeat and shuffle) that determine how the playlist is played. Those controls should be at the level where I can see the entire playlist I will play.

    Tell me why I shouldn't go to the Google play store and give a bad review to V3 for this half baked, confusing, user interface design. Seriously, tell me why I shouldn't give a bad review? About the only reason that would convince me would be a promise that this would be fixed in a week. Tell me what I should do...

  4. What is "main" screen? On playlist screen there is a sort icon near the top. When I momentarily press it something comes up at the bottom of the screen about shuffling songs but the sort icon at the top remaims unchanged. In the old player the sort icon would go thru a series of options. It looks like a bug to me. I have pixel 2 has that been tested?

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