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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Posts posted by Keboose

  1. Thanks for investigating, good to know I'm not crazy.

    This happens to me much more often than once per hour, as I said, about 50% of songs. I would guess mine is doing the -1.5dB dip, as -20dB would make my music almost inaudible, I am just experiencing a moderate drop in volume.

    I can't find any audio settings in Pandora to adjust, so I don't know if this is fixable on my end, if the Pandora app itself is the one changing the volume. I pay for a Pandora subscription, so not sure if it's related to any "premium" features.

    Is there any debug info I could send you to verify you found the same thing that's happening on my phone?

  2. My device: Galaxy S20 5G (SM-G981U1), android version 11. Equalizer version is "build-908-arm64-play"

    My issue is only with Pandora music, all other apps seem to work OK. What happens is: when a song starts, about 50% of the time the song plays at low volume (about half volume). It will continue to play at low volume until either the song ends, or I pause and start the music again. When i do the pause-play trick, the sound always returns to the correct volume. Every time the song changes, it's another 50/50 chance if the song is playing at the correct volume.

    I don't have a headphone jack (rip), but I have tested this with my Bluetooth earbuds, and my portable headphone amp in both Bluetooth and USB DAC mode, all showed the same behavior. I also tried playing with all the options for Pandora in the 'known players' menu, but nothing seemed to fix the problem.

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