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  1. So I did a factory reset on the head unit and still having the issue. Not sure if Poweramp does not like the bluetooth version maybe ? No idea at this point but Poweramp is not usable on the Eonon UA12S Plus-6G if you do a lot of calls while driving. I also tried the Poweramp beta .apk version and same deal.
  2. ok, so I tried with android auto disabled and just the head units bluetooth calling interface and it does the same thing. I also found the last processed commands and it's empty. I also restored all the audio settings to default so it's like I just installed it. I am going to take a video, have to find another phone as I can't record from mine when I make a call.
  3. Hi, I checked that and did the restore settings and even reinstalled a couple of times as after a full reboot on my head unit it's going back to trial mode. (another super annoying issue LOL) Where is last processed commands at? is that in Poweramp or in Android? The other thing I can try is to not use android auto and see if the focus issue happens with just the standard bluetooth call interface. there was a recent update to android auto on my phone. it's odd because the focus/ducking works if you do other things like navigation or ask the assistant something and it talks, it's only during a call.
  4. hmm that thread is about sleep mode. Poweramp survives just fine if the head unit goes into it's low power standby fast boot ( which is just sleep mode) It also survives just fine if I do a force stop and just blink it out that way. No graceful shut down but it still works. It's only when a full reboot happens. I tried saving the settings and restoring but that didn't work either because after the reboot it goes back to trial mode. It's like the user data (not the cache) is getting wiped out just for power amp.
  5. I get this after I reboot on android 13 and it's because the license information is gone. try restoring the license, I bet it starts working again.
  6. Hi Andre, it's a cold boot compared to the warm lower power standby boot these head units have. It's not actually just blinking out by cutting the power. Maybe a better term would be a full reboot. It's not a hard reboot where power is cut but a cold reboot vs a warm standby boot. So to be clear it's not cutting power at all. It's like holding the power button down on your phone and selecting shut down or reboot.
  7. So I just went out and tested this again and I can't get it to work with calls. It's doing something with the audio channel the head unit is using for Android auto is the best I can tell. so if I start android auto normally and then start power amp and play something so it's in the background. and I say "Hey Google" tell me a story, this works as it should , power amp mutes the assistant tells some goofy store and then power amp starts playing again. now if you say "Hey Google" call maria home. android auto comes to the front for a second a and then power amp takes over and keeps playing the music while android auto tries to dial and then when it answers the volume on the music goes into overdrive, it's really bad. So I am using a UA12S Plus-6G this runs Android 13 so I don't know if there are any issues with Poweramp and android 13. I tried a bunch of other Music players like Musicolet, USB Audio Player etc and they are work fine with the UA12S Plus-6G
  8. Hi, i'm using a Eonon UA12S Plus-6G that runs Android 13 maybe that's the issue? Here is exactly what happens. I setup it up and validate the license by my email and order number. so far so good. Now if I go into factory settings and simply change the mic gain or the volume offsets it has to do a cold reboot aka a full reboot. it's not doing anything special just reboots and when I do that my license is gone and I have to go do the whole restore purchase thing over and over again LOL So normally it does a warm boot from a low power state and it seems to be fine doing that. It's reverts to a new installed state and shows the hint's on the screen and have to uninstall it to get it to restore the purchase sometimes. I tried clearly the cache etc and when you go to storage options it brings up some power amp menu instead of the usual clear user data. I could take a video of it as it's super easy to reproduce and does it every single cold boot LOL
  9. hi, nope that's not the issue. It does the fast boot from hibernation just fine in like 2 seconds. it's wired in with a Maestro harness into the ram 1500 connector and all that works perfectly. it happens if I go into the factory settings and make a change like the mic gain, this makes it do a cold reboot and when it does this Poweramp tries to phone home and invalidates the license. I thought for sure if I did the .apk install and license it would not do that but it's doing it the same as the play store version. now when I try and restore the purchase it's giving me some internet permission error that it can't connect but all other internet apps seem to work fine. no other apps loose the settings like this, just Poweramp. it does do a smart shutdown, it does not just blink out. it's same as a cold reboot on a phone. Difference is a phone has a always on internet connection unless it's in airplane mode.
  10. Really want to use this on my android head unit but it's constantly trying to phone home and when it can't it breaks the license and reverts power amp to scratch. settings and all.
  11. So I have a new Eonon 10.1 inch android 13 head unit (UA12S Plus-6G) and I purchased both the play store and apk download versions. So here is the problem, I first purchased the play store version and everytime I had to cold reboot the head unit it completey messes up the license and requires me to start from scratch and restore the purchase and be connected to the internet...ok so obviously this is not going to work. so I then get the .apk version which does not use the play store to do the phone home license check or so I thought. I had to do a cold reboot to change a setting for the mic gain and bam it did the same thing.....like I installed from scratch and requires I restore the purchase. Not sure why it's doing this. 2nd...when power amp is playing in the background and I make a call with android auto, the call volume goes low and power amp increases to ear splitting levels and does not pause playback like every other .mp3 player I tried. It only does this when placing a call. If I ask google to tell me a store or whatever Poweramp pauses like it's supposed to. is there any way around these issues or did I just waste my money on these two licenses purchases?
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