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Poweramp Knowledge Base

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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Everything posted by qeds

  1. Hi! I have an old phone which I have been thinking of maybe turning into a dedicated music player for my living-room. Now this raises a question, I see the faq says: Poweramp Website purchase is per single device. You're free to upgrade / reset / reinstall Poweramp on this device, or upgrade the device itself. If app is used on the multiple devices at the same time, activation will stop working. If I understand this correctly it would mean I'd have to buy another licence for the old phone instead of using the same I have on my current one? Cheers! Andy
  2. Thank you so much for the test files! Yeah it seams like everything has just started to work. I'm starting to believe that I just messed up the tagging and that's why it didn't work before. Regardless, thank you so much for all the help!
  3. Two things: It works perfectly in VLC on pc but not on mobile, and it just started working on Poweramp and I have no idea why. I'll probably play around with it a little more just to be sure.
  4. Sorry I forgot to mention, the files are all flac. Though I believe it may be an issue with something other than Poweramp as I tested it in vanilla music player and it didn't work there either.
  5. Thank you for such a swift answer, info/tags Indeed gives me the expected values for both Track Gain and Peak on the songs.
  6. Hi! I am unable to get replaygain work, what I am doing is setting it to "Apply Gain/prevent clipping according to peak" and the source to "Track". When I then play a track with replaygain tags it does not change its volume according to the tags. The tags have been set by foobar2000 on per-file track scan. To test replaygain I have a track where I lowered the volume using audacity before exporting it and applying the tags with foobar2000. Do not I am currently using the demo version of the app but plan to purchase the full version after the test time has run out. Cheers!
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