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  1. I haven't had any trips longer than 15 minutes since I got back from Cheyenne. I've been playing the same playlist and I've been pausing Poweramp before turning the vehicle off and haven't seen the problem again. Maybe I'll drive to Idaho next week and see how it works.
  2. Thanks, the track counter is showing up now. I've cleared the queue and I'll see how shuffle works the next time I'm in the car. I won't be on a drive longer than 15 minutes again for I don't know how long. When I'm playing a folder and turn the car off, when I start it again it picks up where it left off and continues playing remaining songs in the folder. Should shuffle exhibit the same behavior, i.e. finish the song that was playing and go to the next in the playlist? Most of the jumping out of the queue occurred right after restarting the car. I'll keep you posted, thanks for the assist. 😀
  3. If I'm understanding the icons, there is nothing between the sleep and repeat icons. The queue has 98 items, all of which are on the playlist. I've attached a screen cap of the player window
  4. Hi, I've used Poweramp for years to play folders on the car audio system. Love it (except for the inconsistent quality of my MP3's 😒 ) This last weekend I drove from Salt Lake City to Cheyenne Wyoming. I didn't want to have to mess with changing folders while driving so I created a long, 14 hours 41 minutes, playlist using MP3s from multiple folders. I get Poweramp playing, go to Playlists, select the Cheyenne playlist and tap shuffle. Yay loving the shuffle feature, I'll be using it a lot in the future 😀 During the 16 hours highway time, after a period of time, anywhere from one MP3 to 2 or 3 hours, it jumps to an MP3 not in the playlist. It's always the first MP3 in the same folder, neither of which are on the playlist. I unlock the phone, tap shuffle on the playlist again and it starts shuffling the playlist. Then anywhere from 1 MP3 to 2 or 3 hours it goes outside the playlist again, to that same MP3 in the same folder. Over the 16 hours it happened 5-8 times. Most often as I was starting out after a stop, but I always restart shuffle in the playlist. I really don't like messing with the phone at 80mph on the highway. Any thoughts? Thanks FJ
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