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  1. Just realized what I misunderstood. Thank you for that, much appreciated.
  2. I started using the Parametric EQ to tame the bass of my sub in my car but I’m very confused by the settings. I tried to add a band for the low end and use a high pass filter (low cut), but for some reason it seems the high pass and low pass filters are flipped, as in when I’m using the low pass filter, it’s filtering out the lows and the high pass is vice versa. Low shelf and high shelf seem to be working fine. Is it something I’m doing wrong or misunderstanding here?
  3. I was just wondering like how there's a toggle for visualizations and the sleep timer, could there possibly be an option to add one for replay gain? I personally am always messing with it because I use it as an additional volume knob along with the pre amp when connecting to mediums like my car stereo. (My car stereo is broken and I cant change volume and is stuck on 30/40 and the way I use the audio settings practically saves me from buying another radio) Having the option to customize that in would obviously help me for my own selfish desires, but I feel like it would also be a handy addition.
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