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База знаний Poweramp


Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Posts posted by Halvard

  1. Just putting my 2 cents worth in..

    I had a similar issue here, and found the last command helped solve the issue.


    15:01:40.804 AppScannerSupport PAUSE
    pause_on_headset USB disconnection/AA
    15:01:43.597 AppScannerSupport PAUSE
    pause_on_headset USB disconnection/AA
    15:02:25.546 AppScannerSupport PAUSE
    pause_on_headset USB disconnection/AA
    15:02:28.411 PSMediaSessionHelper.Callback onPlay
    15:02:57.316 AppScannerSupport PAUSE
    pause_on_headset USB disconnection/AA

    I then went to Settings, Headset/Bluetooth, and disabled "Pause on Headset Disconnect"

    All other options I triedthat were suggested here in this thread did not work.

  2. On 5/10/2023 at 5:49 PM, andrewilley said:

    Still sounds like this might be a very wide screen ratio (wider than regular 16:9 for example) for which AA has determined that it can fit everything that it would want to show in a normal-ratio screen onto just a section of the wider screen area. It would be up to AA or the head-unit to make that decision though, not Poweramp.

    I you'd post a picture though, that might help. Do you see the full Poweramp content when it is using 70% of the screen - i.e. background is not colour-washed, and it shows the full 5 buttons below the song info area, the scrollable seekbar, and the library access options at the top? If so, what do you expect to gain from using 100% other than spreading the existing content out sideways?


    Here are the screenshots 

    Standard view when AA loadsPXL_20230512_062648119.thumb.jpg.f7c2052abc1aefb1047efa154a2be36e.jpg



    Google maps in full screen mode when I tap on the maps icon.



    When I tap the Poweramp icon on right hand side, Poweramp moves to the right, but not full screen.


    Hope that explains my situation.


  3. Navigation is not full screen when side by side. It's more 30/70 Poweramp/Navigation.


    The screen is 10.25" as far as I know. When I tap either the Google maps navigation window or the navigation icon on the right, then Google map goes full screen.

    In the 30/70 view if I then tap the Poweramp window or the Poweramp icon the Poweramp moves to the right to become the 70% of the screen and Google maps is 30% if that makes sense ...



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