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Sahand H.

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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

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Posts posted by Sahand H.

  1. 18 hours ago, andrewilley said:

    The problem with that would be that it would prevent you from adding songs to a different playlists too, so only one playlist could contain any given song.

    Hello, thanks for the reply.

    That's true, I haven't thought of that through as much. But I don't think it will be much of a problem, if the user wanted for example to add a song to two different playlists, they would have to show all the songs (even ones in playlists) to revise and add it to more than a playlist.

    My idea was mostly referring to it being an option just like the sorting and filtering options.

    Thanks for the swift reply, cheers.

  2. Greetings,

    I've started collecting some music and playing them, but throughout the increase of single tracks from multiple artists, I've come to a halt on organizing them in playlists or ratings.

    What if there was an option that allowed us to hide tracks from the library that has already been added to a playlist before / have been rated.

    Reply to this forum if you want further elaboration.

    With a lot of thanks.

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