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Dylan Glynn

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Posts posted by Dylan Glynn

  1. i registered just to add this discussion.

    i occasionally check this forum in the hope that PA will finally implement genre > artist > album browsing. I have not only been looking for years for a good player that does this, recently at last one player stopped implementing it. For the life of me I cannot understand why this UI option, that cannot be difficult to implement, is not common on android players. In IOS it is basically default and has always been. I understand that if you have lots of fine grained genre distinctions in your tags, you will end up with songs with different tags in the same album etc. I also understand that for smaller music collections or collections that are not very varied in genre it makes no difference. But in large collections where genre can be used as an access point to browse music you want to listen to - it is fundamental. I don’t think im alone in finding it difficult to imagine wanting to listen hard rock, chamber music and JPop in the same « sitting », nor is it likely that any of Beethoven’s sonatas would get a tag “trip hop” any more than i would what to tag any Ramstein songs as electro swing. 

    Even if the people who wish to browse music collections by « genre artist album » only represent a small minority - we surely represent an active often “audiophile” minority - why is it so hard to get this feature implemented. I use Poweramp as one of my main  two players when I am on the move, but am constantly looking for a player that offers this option.. I am sure I am not alone…

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