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Posts posted by machsgern

  1. Hi,

    I thought that the "lyrics item in the track menu" option set to 3rd party app would allow me to open 3rd party app anyway even if I have LRC lyrics or unsynced ones.. I have a lot of lyrics already provided as LRC or unsynced. But I like the way that musixmatch provides often translations for the lyrics which I sometimes want to see. So I want to open 3rd party app as an option directly from the player menu even if they're local ones. Or is there a option to have 2 LRC or unsynced lyrics which can be integrated to Poweramp to see it in app ui directly cause then I would translate the lyrics directly so I'm not dependent on 3rd party apps.



  2. Hello,

    • Poweramp build number = build 956
    • your device model = pixel pro 6
    • your Android version = android 13
    • your custom ROM name/version = GrapheneOS
    • steps to reproduce = if I click on the lyrics button long the 3rd party app doesn't open as expected. Neither from the dot menu and long pressed there only opens the lyrics (unsynced)

    Hope that'll be fixed soon, cause i love to see some lyrics on musixmatch cause they're sometimes translations included which my LRC files doesn't have

    Thanks for the devs for an amazing app like this!

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