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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

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Posts posted by Supertech

  1. Andre,  Most of my music was ripped from CDs and does indeed inherit the appropriate tags.  My only problem appears to be on audio that I digitized through Audacity from either a reel-to-reel tape player or ripped off YouTube.  The only tags with those seem to be the time duration.  I can deal with both those now that I understand how to edit tags better thanks to you and MotleyG.  You guys are the best!


  2. MotleyG and andrewilley, 

    Thanks for responding.  Since reading your replies I've delved into the metadata tag issue and determined that was my problem.  I've successfully been able to edit the tags on the actual mp3 files and since doing that the selections do appear when I search under Artists.  It's still unclear what meta tags are actually necessary for visibility in PA and which are just incidental info.  The remaining issue is that the parent folder, Radio, still does not appear under Album search.  I should mention that my PA library was copied from my Windows 10 desktop and I can find no way to edit any metadata tag on a folder in Windows or on my Android phone for that matter.  Is that somehow possible and is that why the Radio folder doesn't appear in an Album search?  My Radio folder hierarchy mimics the other albums in the library: Radio folder\Artist folder\Artist mp3 file with only meta tags on the mp3 file.  It's interesting to me that the Artist folder appears in an Artist search even though there is no known meta tag on that folder but the Radio folder doesn't appear in an Album search.  Clearly, I still have something to resolve.

    In a related matter, I discovered that my repeated Full Rescans apparently created multiple entries for everything.  Unable to find any way to resolve this easily I deleted the entire library, restored the library and rescanned successfully.  I'm sure there's an easier way.  Is there a data file that can be deleted to accomplish the same before a scan is performed to avoid creating dupe entries?  Also, can you suggest a free metadata tag editor?

  3. In addition to all the music I have added to PA successfully I have various Radio airchecks in mp3 format.  In my Music folder I've created a folder named Radio and below that subfolders named after the air personality and inside those are the mp3 files.  I basically recreated the folder structure for a typical album.  I've done Scan and Full Rescan multiple times but Radio doesn't appear when I search Albums nor do any of the personalities appear when I search Artist.  What am I doing wrong?  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

  4. Great app, so many features it can be hard to find all that exist.  Is there a Sleep Timer?  I have a bedtime playlist that is several hours long in total and I would usually like to play for less than it's total length, typically 60 to 120 minutes.

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