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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Posts posted by Whosondephone

  1. I'm quite sure we are talking about the same problem.  Although perhaps I haven't been able to faithfully recreate it as you have. 

    What I have done is from the library I pressed all songs then pressed the shuffle all button. 

    Then I move to the player / album art screen.  I tap on the album art to get the song list.  Not really sure what that is.  I select all then add them to the Queue.  I do this in order to be able to prune out a few song I might not want to hear.

    Unfortunately I cleared the part of the Queue I listened to from the first half of my shift in order to avoid scrolling down as much. I guarantee I listened to at least five cue generated tracks in my fist shift.  Probably much more. 

    After the bug occurred while playing the Kinks I played a few "normal" single track files.  Then another generated cue track. But it was the last track on the disk so I didn't notice it.  Then some more normal tracks. Then It played a generated cue track perfectly. 

    So we seem to be having different experiences.  But we are probably doing things differently.  I've got 14585 lossless tracks in my library.  If that matters.  All different formats and whatnot.

  2. I may have found a solution if you are rooted.  After trying to free up as much system memory as possible... Basically disabling Google.  I installed Swap Torpedo for Magisk from XDA in order to kill the ZRAM.  My hypothesis is that Poweramp is very susceptible to the low memory killer in android.  If you kill off the compressed RAM drive it will leave Poweramp alone. 

    My testing is limited.  But the first day I tried the module I did not have any issue.  Generally I have problems when the screen is off.  I'll post back after further testing.  The phone does behave a bit differently though.  I generally recommend not running this module overall.  But if it allows me to use Poweramp's superior audio engine without hiccups it's worth it.

  3. Just wanted make my wish for this feature known.  I don't expect it to be implemented because six people want it.  I had good experience using BubbleUPnP to stream to Universal Audio Player Pro.  But stopped using it because Poweramp sounds better to my ears!

    I'm sure there are reasons I'm not aware of for keeping the size of the app down.  I have a phone from 2016 with 64GB of storage.  Plenty of storage for all the apps I could ever need.  Although I guess not everyone has a 1TB SD card for their lossless music and 4k video shoots.  

    They don't make cell phones like they used to.

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