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Brad Livesay

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Posts posted by Brad Livesay

  1. 4 hours ago, andrewilley said:

    @Brad Livesay So how did you want it to shuffle that wasn't already an option available to you?


    i saw in an earlier post that the way Poweramp shuffles genre is by full album. therefore, i clicked on the genre, selected all and added them to a playlist and shuffled my music that way.

  2. 10 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

    Then what you should find when you tap the Shuffle icon at the top of a particular genre listing is as follows: An album (aka category in this case) will be picked at random from the genre list and its songs will be played at random. Then a new album from the same genre will be selected at random and its songs will be shuffled, and so on. So yes, you will hear songs by the same artist until each album is done with.

    If you want to hear completely random songs from within a whole genre (ignoring  albums completely) select the 'All Genre Songs' link first. Or if you always want to listen that way, change the 'Category Items Shuffle' mode to reflect your preference as Shuffle Songs.


    i'll try that, thank you.

  3. 12 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

    Works fine for me, what results do you see?

    What option do you have selected for Settings=>Library=>Shuffle=>Category Items Shuffle, as that will make a difference so to how albums are handled within a Genre. i.e. are the Albums shuffled but songs still played in their order, or both the Albums and also the Songs within them shuffled, or every song in the genre randomly shuffled with no regard to album contents (just as if you had viewed the All Genre Songs list first).


    hi, i have shuffle songs/categories selected. the reason i chose to shuffle by genres is because i had to re-genre my music so i can play it in the car and not have little ears hear a song not meant for little ear :). so i put my explicit music in an explicit genre and everything else in a music genre.

  4. sorry for the confusion. i guess what i mean is that when i select the genre and then the random button it plays 1 track by a certain artist and then the next 2 or 3 tracks by the same artist. unlike selecting all songs then random, it plays 1 track by an artist then another track by a different artist and so on. i hope this makes more sense.

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