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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

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Posts posted by Rebart69

  1. Andrewilley - I have done that and previously the files were in a subfolder of com.amazon.mp3 called "purchased". Now (as of two weeks ago) the purchased folder does not exist. Under the com.amaazon.mp3 folder are hundreds of subfolders like "01" or "10" , "11", "a1", etc.  in these folders are files like "B09WTJJCNL.High.0" ..

  2. I am new to this forum and am looking for some help. I have been using Poweramp for about 2 years on my android phone and really love this app. It does everything I want and need and then some. I have been purchasing and downloading music from Amazon Music for many years now. I am "old school" and believe in owning my songs. About last January 2022, Amazon threw me a curve ball and changed the folder to which it was downloading the music files. I was able to locate the new folder and copy the files to the folder that Poweramp could see. Now recently, Amazon changed its downloads again and I cannot find the folder too which the downloads are going and I believe they may be encrypting the files. 

    How can I get Poweramp to see the new downloads from Amazon Music ?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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