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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

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Posts posted by Lyssq

  1. 7 hours ago, andrewilley said:

    As I mentioned previously, if you don't want images to be used when you don't have any embedded artwork in your music files, don't put irrelevant images in the same folders as your music.

    In particular, it is also not a good idea to use the system Download folder at all, as Google is working on blocking access to that transient location by general apps in Android 12+ unless there is a specific access requirement (which an audio player is unlikely to be granted).

    One way around it for folders would be to place a dummy 'cover.jpg' file into your music location folder, containing some generic image - or even just a solid colour square. That would be picked before falling back to other image files.


    I'll just go through the dummy cover.png route, thanks! if there's any option to download other media and audio in separate folders in google chrome then I'm just stupid 

  2. I need an option to disable this, it's really bothering me at this point.

    What I mean by "automatic cover art" is that Poweramp sets all my completely untagged music's cover art to some random image in the same folder the music is in, said image isn't even named "cover" or similar.

    it's really bothering me because I use the download folder for misc. audio and it just keeps choosing the worst possible image.

    I'm using Poweramp v3 build-930-uni and I don't see an option anywhere to disable this behaviour.

  3. On 1/29/2020 at 3:08 PM, andrewilley said:

    You  can use Settings > Album Art > Prefer Downloaded Album Art, but if you haven't set any artwork manually and there is no embedded artwork in the track, then PA will search the current folder for any images it can use (on the assumption that if you told it to look for music in a particular folder, then any artwork you place in the same folder is also your choice).

    The best solution though is not to allow Poweramp to scan random mixed-media folders for music. 


    Why is there not an option yet to disable this? It's bothering my so much as well

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