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Gucci A12

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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

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Posts posted by Gucci A12

  1. Good day I'm emailing you concerning the Poweramp app that I have downloaded from Google Play it is not performing well at all the power amp unlocker is not allowing me to push music from my files into Poweramp I can't download any songs once I download a song it's not pushing to Poweramp I have had power amp over 5 years and it's not performing well at all I have a Samsung eight 12 and for some reason it is blocking me Poweramp is blocking me from transfer music to my folders on Poweramp the attachment that I sent you is this is what it Poweramp is telling me when I'm trying to transfer music from my files to Poweramp please advise thank you


  2. Thank you for the quick response when I hit select folder from Poweramp this it brings me to my folder if you will see some when he gets to the fold as some of the songs are lit up bright and other one a covered where is that I can't select it it tells me that privacy it's on I can't find that in the settings how to take off privacy it's not letting me take music from the folder when I hit select folder through Poweramp it's not letting me add any songs in my library from Poweramp


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