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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

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Posts posted by KenazaneK


    On 1/15/2022 at 7:49 AM, superluig164 said:

    I think it would actually be super cool if the whole app got colored based on the playing song, almost like a personalized theme.  Perhaps skins can use the chosen colours as accents as well if they like, and if the feature is developed such that the colour can be updated live (such as if the song changes or pauses) I don't assume it would be difficult to provide a global option to revert those colours to default when not in the "now playing" view, regardless of the skin being used.

    This is literally the only thing at the moment that I think Poweramp really is missing. It doesn't even have to be as extravagant as this. A simple change of the button colours and wave seek or progress bar is all that's needed. It already does a good job at giving an accurate background based on the album art. As @Pila19 showed, Retro Player (and Blackplayer I might add) have very good UI colour adaptation based on album art. They usually find the least bright colour to make the background and a bright our otherwise outstanding colour for both the text and, player controls buttons and progress bar. The first two images are examples of the Retro Player UI now playing screen and the third as an example of Black Player's album screen. All have found amicable way to use the album art colours to enhance the look and feel of the UI




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