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Poweramp Knowledge Base

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Poweramp Equalizer Knowledge Base

База знаний Poweramp Equalizer




Posts posted by CaptainKishimoto

  1. So I noticed that when it keeps pausing and trying to play again, it seems to trying to use a different source?  Also kind of looks like that based on the logs I posted earlier (or that could be something else, I'm no expert).  One thing I tried doing was changing my BT AVRCP/MAP version to their defaults and so far things seem to be running better.  Not sure if that helps at all or not.

  2. Not sure what I should be looking for but:

    21:40:27.361 BTReceiver headset event
    connection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda
    21:40:27.454 BTReceiver headset event
    disconnection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda no_keep_notif_on_dscn=false
    21:40:27.468 PlayerService onRoutingChanged
    newDevice=bt oldDevice=speaker
    21:40:27.468 PlayerService reloadPipeline
     allowPlaying=true forceResume=false state after reload=2
    21:40:27.483 HeadsetPlugReceiver headset event
    disconnection BT=false am mode=0 no_keep_notif_on_dscn=false
    21:40:30.865 PlayerService onRoutingChanged
    newDevice=speaker oldDevice=bt
    21:40:30.865 PlayerService reloadPipeline
     allowPlaying=false forceResume=false state after reload=2
    21:40:33.834 BTReceiver headset event
    connection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda
    21:40:33.924 BTReceiver headset event
    disconnection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda no_keep_notif_on_dscn=false
    21:40:33.931 PlayerService onRoutingChanged
    newDevice=bt oldDevice=speaker
    21:40:33.931 PlayerService reloadPipeline
     allowPlaying=true forceResume=false state after reload=2
    21:40:34.856 PSMediaSessionHelper.Callback onPlay
    21:40:36.998 PlayerService onRoutingChanged
    newDevice=speaker oldDevice=bt
    21:40:36.998 PlayerService reloadPipeline
     allowPlaying=false forceResume=false state after reload=2
    21:40:40.349 BTReceiver headset event
    connection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda
    21:40:40.409 BTReceiver headset event
    disconnection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda no_keep_notif_on_dscn=false
    21:40:40.424 PlayerService onRoutingChanged
    newDevice=bt oldDevice=speaker
    21:40:40.424 PlayerService reloadPipeline
     allowPlaying=true forceResume=false state after reload=2
    21:40:43.480 PlayerService onRoutingChanged
    newDevice=speaker oldDevice=bt
    21:40:43.480 PlayerService reloadPipeline
     allowPlaying=false forceResume=false state after reload=2
    21:40:46.962 BTReceiver headset event
    connection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda
    21:40:47.047 PlayerService onRoutingChanged
    newDevice=bt oldDevice=speaker
    21:40:47.047 PlayerService reloadPipeline
     allowPlaying=true forceResume=false state after reload=2
    21:40:47.920 BTReceiver headset event
    disconnection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda no_keep_notif_on_dscn=false
    21:40:50.267 PSMediaSessionHelper.Callback onPlay
    21:40:50.947 PlayerService onRoutingChanged
    newDevice=speaker oldDevice=bt
    21:40:50.947 PlayerService reloadPipeline
     allowPlaying=false forceResume=false state after reload=2
    21:40:53.344 BTReceiver headset event
    connection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda
    21:40:53.424 BTReceiver headset event
    disconnection BT=true am mode=0 Mazda no_keep_notif_on_dscn=false
    21:41:00.032 AppScannerSupport PAUSE
    pause_on_headset USB disconnection/AA
    21:41:00.206 AppScannerSupport PAUSE
    pause_on_headset USB disconnection/AA


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