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make Poweramp great again!


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-the seekbar also matches the color of the album

-completely hide all buttons in the player UI (shuffle, repeat, hamburger menu, search and the more options). just the album artwork only (NOTHING ELSE!!!)

-removing the black background on the play/pause area. seriously it's really ugly.

-removing the dark tint in the status bar making it the same color as the background

-adding "remaining time"

-add year in library

-it would be cool if users can set the color of the background of the player UI, the seekbar and the color of the buttons


I purchased the unlocker because I can set different equalizer settings in every songs. I'm currently in beta version. I know this music player has a big potential to be more beautiful and more customizable than the last major update.



PS: bugs that I've noticed so far:

-seekbar glitching

-artwork not showing when the app opens for the first time

-when visualizations are on, playing the next song doesn't show the artwork

-random crashes and decoder timeout error



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Most of the above may be changed when the next best-test build is released (hopefully sometime in March) which will include a completely re-built user interface and will also support skins and themes again. Keep an eye out for that, and then you can bring up any still remaining issues here then.

It will take a while before third-party skins start to appear for v3 though, as current v2 skins will not be compatible. Third-party devs won't be able to start working on new skins until the new SDK and v3 documentation become available.


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