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File association customization required in player

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An file assiciation is needed because Poweramp player play other than mp3 files also, it import media from hole memory. Folder selection option is better but in one folder can contain mp3, mp4 or other files  which we cannot want to play with Poweramp. Plz think about this thanks

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The point of directory folders is to allow you to separate your content, so (for example) song files don't get muddled up in the same location as other files such as videos, notifications, game sounds, etc.

I would like to be able to add extenders anyway though, as I have some audio files (radio direct stream recordings) which get saved with .MP2 or .MPA extenders, which Poweramp can play fine but get overlooked by the library scanner.  I currently rename them to MP3, but that's not really the correct solution.


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