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Register Poweramp without google account


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Helio, I buyed Poweramp, but, change my smartphone for one without google playstore, google account (vulcan), only have 1mobile market, when i want register my Poweramp with ID, i ser message: "account google ist no register in this device". too when use my Poweramp ley, say: the ley ist bad, please reinstall... and neither work.  I want know what i need for register poweramp :( 

Sorry for my bad englisch

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If you bought Poweramp from the Google Play Store, you can only reinstall it on devices linked to that same Play Store account.

If you bought from the website, and have since changed your email address, please contact Poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com giving full details of your purchase (ideally sent from the old email address if you still have access to it, as that makes it easier to be sure of who you are).


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19 minutes ago, 13-7 said:

Couldn't you just install Google Play Store via .apk, then reinstall Poweramp from within it?

Problem is the new device doesn't seem to have access to Google Play Services.

On the other hand, 1Mobile Market is China based and looks shady...

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5 hours ago, karry said:

Problem is the new device doesn't seem to have access to Google Play Services.

I understand, but the OS is still Android-based, so installing the Play Store app from an .apk file should be possible.

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6 hours ago, Poncho-Ham said:

buyed from website and not have change my email address 

No, as long as you purchased from the website (not from Googke Play) and are using the same email address you should be able to re-activate it on your new device. Use the Already Registered? link in Poweramp Settings. Further details, including valid email options, are in http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/324284-restore-Poweramp-purchase


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I used "already registered", but say:No such google or email Google Email account registered un device. i dont have google services... only i vinculated my email address with IMAP.(IMAP/POP3, requires Google Services on the device)

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Try installing this from your phone. You may have to allow "3rd party apps". Once you install it, load it, let it update (if necessary) then login with your existing Google account. http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/google-play-store/google-play-store-7-4-09-l-all-0-pr-143719094-release/google-play-store-7-4-09-l-all-0-pr-143719094-android-apk-download/

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Unfortunately, if you originally purchased anything from Google Play and you are now using a device without access to that same Google Play account, then you can't access or authorise any of your old purchases any more.

Try emailing Poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com and see if they can help you at all, they may be able to cancel the Google Play purchase and let you do it via the website method instead. Although without gapps on your device, your options to authorise that way are fairly limited too (see http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/324284-restore-Poweramp-purchase ).


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7 hours ago, Poncho-Ham said:

Thanks Andrewilley. I sent the email, but remember, my buy was not in playstore, was in this website n.n

So why to do you keep repeating to us that Play Store no longer works if you didn't get it from Play Store in the first place?

As I said above, if you bought from the website and you still have the same email address, it should work. Please refer to the link I quoted for the email service minimum requirements, specifically this bit:



2. ensure you have Google or Email account (as specified in purchase confirmation email from PayPro Global) registered under Android settings => Accounts:

email-acct.png google-acct.png
Poweramp (build-550+) supports following types of accounts:
  - Google (requires Google Services on the device)
  - Google Email (IMAP/POP3, requires Google Services on the device)
  - HTC Email (doesn't require Google Services)
  - Motorola Blur (doesn't require Google Services)
  - Yahoo (doesn't require Google Services) 


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Ok, I understand, i lost my buy with Poweramp, ill checked in another device with google services and no register my email for not be gmail (protonmail)... ni modo. Max help me changing my email for protonmail and nothing.. should not link Poweramp with email device. Only with send email and ID and ist all, no all these problems, en fin. Thanks 

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  • 1 month later...


I recommend to stay away this product.
I have sent many email messages, directly here for support and the reseller. Nobody answers to the messages. Poweramp looks ok program but the registration for the full version does not work at all..

Even if I have created the requested email account under phone settings/Accounts, the registration always ends with "No such Google or Email (Android 3.0+) account registered on device" error.. I work in IT so I know about the accounts etc..

So be aware and do not pay for nothing..

All the best..


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It does not need to be a Google email account per se (i.e. xxx@gmail.com) but it does need to be installed as a POP3 or IMAP account on the device using Google Services. Some third-party email options are also recognised, such as HTC Email, Motorola Blur and Yahoo.

See the FAQs for more info, especially http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/357027-no-such-account-is-registered-on-this-device , http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/324284-restore-Poweramp-purchase and http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323571-unlocker-without-google-account .

You said you emailed for support, did you do this to Poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com as that is the official address. It can sometimes take a little while for them to respond though.


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