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Tasker Intents and EQ Presets


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I'm trying to control the EQ using intents via Tasker. Ideally I would like to control the preamp directly, but another option is to switch between EQ presets that are identical except for the preamp level.

I have been trying to do both with no success, as I am new to using tasker and java, and am unfamiliar with intents.

This action in tasker changed the EQ preamp successfully, but the graphical bar in the UI was stuck at maximum, and there was no audio (regardless of what 'preamp' is set to):

Action, com.maxmpz.audioplayer.API_COMMAND
Extra, cmd:52
Extra, name:preamp
Extra, preamp,1.0
Target, Service

I also tried changing the EQ preset instead of the preamp directly, but it requires an EQ preset ID, which the API comments say is a long integer. I have no clue how to find this ID:

Action, com.maxmpz.audioplayer.API_COMMAND 
Extra, cmd:50
Extra, id:1
Target, Service

Am i formatting all of this correctly? I'm pretty much flying blind with this stuff. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I am not familiar with Tasker but perhaps an insight in the api helps. the Poweramp api shows the following in relation to the equalizer. I have posted some snippets which may give you pointers.


 * Extras:
 * - id - long - preset ID
public static final int SET_EQU_PRESET = 50;

 * Extras:
 * - value - string - equalizer values, see ACTION_EQU_CHANGED description.
public static final int SET_EQU_STRING = 51;

 * Extras:
 * - name - string - equalizer band (bass/treble/preamp/31/62../8K/16K) name
 * - value - float - equalizer band value (bass/treble/, 31/62../8K/16K => -1.0...1.0, preamp => 0..2.0)
public static final int SET_EQU_BAND = 52;

 * Extras:
 * - equ - boolean - if exists and true, equalizer is enabled
 * - tone - boolean - if exists and true, tone is enabled
public static final int SET_EQU_ENABLED = 53;



public static final String ACTION_EQU_CHANGED = "com.maxmpz.audioplayer.EQU_CHANGED";
private void registerAndLoadStatus() {
   // Note, it's not necessary to set mStatusIntent/mPlayingModeIntent/mEquIntent this way here,
   // but this approach can be used with null receiver to get current sticky intent without broadcast receiver.
   mEquIntent = registerReceiver(mEquReceiver, new IntentFilter(PowerampAPI.ACTION_EQU_CHANGED));


startService(new Intent(PowerampAPI.ACTION_API_COMMAND).putExtra(PowerampAPI.COMMAND, PowerampAPI.Commands.SET_EQU_ENABLED).putExtra(PowerampAPI.EQU, isChecked));


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, I haven't made the time to keep trying to get this to work properly. I honestly think it's an issue with formatting in Tasker. The way Tasker is set up, it's fairly easy to make an intent, but I have never used the Poweramp API before, so I'm not 100% sure what goes where when making one.

I'm pretty sure someone could work off this to get it to work, but for now I'm stuck. I think the easiest to do might be the 'change EQ preset' rout, rather than modifying EQ bands directly, but I still have to find out what the preset ID's are. And no offence meant to the developer above who posted the relevant sections from the API, but what they posted doesn't help me find the preset ID's (I don't think.)

Another problem is I don't know exactly how the items should be formatted in Tasker. The variables in the API are specified as data types and variable names, but I don't know how to specify that stuff in Tasker.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've just read all the materials I could find about the issue and nailed down to the preset ID. Is is never to be found. Not even com.maxmpz.audioplayer.EQU_CHANGED  intent doesn't show it. Poweramp 3 alpha doesn't work either.

So I resorted to the next best working thing which is:

         * Extras:
         * - value - string - equalizer values, see ACTION_EQU_CHANGED description.
public static final int SET_EQU_STRING = 51;

I am attaching a small archive with a set EQ task and a profile to get the EQ values out of Poweramp. It will make life easier for people looking into this matter.


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  • 7 months later...

 * Extras:
 * - id - long - preset ID
public static final int SET_EQU_PRESET = 50;

 * Extras:
 * - value - string - equalizer values, see ACTION_EQU_CHANGED description.
public static final int SET_EQU_STRING = 51;

 * Extras:
 * - name - string - equalizer band (bass/treble/preamp/31/62../8K/16K) name
 * - value - float - equalizer band value (bass/treble/, 31/62../8K/16K => -1.0...1.0, preamp => 0..2.0)
public static final int SET_EQU_BAND = 52;

 * Extras:
 * - equ - boolean - if exists and true, equalizer is enabled
 * - tone - boolean - if exists and true, tone is enabled
public static final int SET_EQU_ENABLED = 53;



public static final String ACTION_EQU_CHANGED = "com.maxmpz.audioplayer.EQU_CHANGED";

private void registerAndLoadStatus() {
   // Note, it's not necessary to set mStatusIntent/mPlayingModeIntent/mEquIntent this way here,
   // but this approach can be used with null receiver to get current sticky intent without broadcast receiver.
   mEquIntent = registerReceiver(mEquReceiver, new IntentFilter(PowerampAPI.ACTION_EQU_CHANGED));


startService(new Intent(PowerampAPI.ACTION_API_COMMAND).putExtra(PowerampAPI.COMMAND, PowerampAPI.Commands.SET_EQU_ENABLED).putExtra(PowerampAPI.EQU, isChecked));

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