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Why I got no response for my topic ?


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I wrote a topic to feedback that I have 2 problems in my DVD version .. The main problem is  have no response for steering wheel control ... Please add a feature to program steering wheel buttons .. 

That is the last requires : 

I have a full version of power amp installed on my mobile and my car DVD , mobile is working very good . but I have 2 problems on my DVD version 

1 - no option for programming  steering wheel remote control .

2- home screen widget have very small buttons for 7" touch screen of DVD . please make a larger buttons for DVD s 

Thanks .. 

Ahmed Badran 

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Poweramp responds to the standard Android media commands (MEDIA_NEXT, MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE, etc). Your device would need to generate those correctly to work with PA. Perhaps there is an app that does that?

Also, there is no "DVD" version of PA - not quite sure what you mean by that. The buttons in the 4x4 and 4x6 widgets seem pretty big to me, same size as the main app buttons anyway, and using the theme options allows you to make them a bit bigger.


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