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No playlists / songs listed multiple times


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2 Things:

I've been syncing my music files through Isyncr to my Droid x, and even though the playlists are m3u files, my Poweramp will not pull up my playlists that get sync'd over. I've made sure the right folders are scanned. I've tried syncing through Double Twist, and just clicking and dragging, and none of these worked. I can't figure this one out.

Also, I like the Library setting (in theory I can pull up my playlists), but if I go to Songs, it will show the same individual song listed multiple times for every song. Same thing with Albums. I've tried rescanning, and also clearing data in the application manager. Super frustrating.

I'd appreciate any help or tips. It's driving me nuts.


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Thanks for the report.

First think to check if something is wrong with the Library, is the stock player library. If you can't see your songs/playlists/whatever there (or you can see dups), then there are no data or data is invalid in android Library and PowerAMP just shows android library in its Library.

This happens due to the either system media scanner/library bugs/issues or due to the syncing apps bugs/issues - both are loosely related to PowerAMP.

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  • 1 month later...

This is really sad. Probably one of the best music players on the android market hands down yet the completely drop the ball on playlist support. That's like Ford making the new and improved Mustang but forget to include tires... Another prospective on this is my alarm app on my phone supports playlists yet Poweramp doesn't?? I suppose I should have requested an EQ from the alarm makers and saved $5.

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PowerAMP has support for android library playlists and specific folders playlists, which are shared with other apps, and playlist related functionality is on-par or more advanced comparing to other apps (e.g. del dups or resort functionality). Though, library playlists are still android library managed, thus they inherit some issues related to it (failure to read some tags, slow scan, etc.)

Some of these will be resolved with PowerAMP v2.0 with custom library. This will be the only app for Android with complete custom media library, so this is something new and requires a lot of work, but it allows really advanced list, playlist, tag and songs management.


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