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Good to have Dual Channel Equilizer


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I suffer from minor Tinnitus with my left ear having slightly reduced sensitivity in the 4Khz range (had it tested).  Rather than using the L/R level balancer which would apply gain across the entire frequency range, would be useful to have option for Dual channel equalization whereby I could add gain at 4Khz for only the left channel. Surely would help other people like me who have asymmetrical hearing loss. I currently do this on my PC with foobar2000 - it has a plugin that supports dual channel equalization.

Thanks !

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I have exactly the same problem and am sure many others have differences between each ear. Apple have the 'Equalizer' app by audioforge which gives independent equalisation for left and right ears but I can't find one for Android. Poweramp would be the perfect app to include this in, with its 10 band equaliser. Will you please consider this.

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