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Poweramp as default player


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dear community, 

i work with esx explorer to share a drive with mp3 files on my android phone. i can't find a way to open the mounted drive in Poweramp. i can only open the files stored on the phone and on the sd card. 

i also try to open the mp3 files directly from the esx explorer. i get a dialog and can choose from several players - but not Poweramp. 

anyone an idea? thank you! 

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You need to have the external device mounted on your device's file system, then just tick that folder/location in Settings > Folders and Library > Music Folders. Then Poweramp can scan that location and add it to its library for playing.


thanks for your quick answer. 

i mount the drive with esx explorer, i can see all the files in the explorer. so i think the mount is working. in the music folders in Poweramp i have only the local drive of the android device and the sd card. no mount. also a refresh of the music folders don't work ... ?

what you suggest? 


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