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Love the app, what is really bugging me like mad though is the lack of EQ frequencies to choose from!!

I would like the Poweramp EQ to have more frequencies available.  My car stereo has some very harsh treble and it makes sibilant sounds at around 5-6kHz piercing/harsh at higher volumes (Extremely common problem frequencies).  However Poweramp has no option to alter these frequencies precisely.  When I cut at 4kHz it dulls electric guitars and when I cut at 8kHz it removes 'air' and shimmer from the track.  When I cut both it helps with the problem but just makes the whole track sounds dull as the frequency cut is not precise enough.

PLEASE add a more detailed EQ.  I have been using this app for years and it's the only thing I can fault it for.

Disclaimer: I am not raving mad, actuallu a trained sound engineer (Bachelor of Science with honours).

Cheers :)

James C.

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I don't understand why in beta version I'm testing currently there have been what appears to be TWO FEWER FREQUENCY SLIDERS IN THE GRAPHIC EQ THAN IN THE NON - BETA BUILD I'VE USED FOR YEARS.   There must be a greater range of adjustments above 4khz....specifically i miss having the  16khz slider and adjusting sibillance with an 8khz slider as the uppermost value in the EQ IS UNACCEPTABLE IMHO.   Please offer us PARAMETRIC EQ in addition to a wider range and greater flexibility in the graphic EQ.  

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On 19/08/2016 at 6:34 PM, andrewilley said:

You can scroll the EQ panel sidewards using the graph underneath the sliders. There are 8k and 16k sliders too.



Hi Andre, I see you are an administrator here.  Please, please can you forward this request onto the development team.  I would happily pay for this update, my lovely Mazda MX-5 stereo is perfect except for its harsh 5-6K peak.

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Feature requests here are noted by the dev.

However Poweramp is a one-programmer project, and he tends to work on large goals of his own (such as the upcoming v3 release) and the smaller requests can often take a while to get handled. Even I have got requests dating back many years I'm afraid.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok after a bit more research this thread can be scrapped.  Apparently all Android EQs are the same and limited to 10 selectable bands due to the way android works, the only way to get around it is to root your phone.  What a complete and utter waste of my time/effort and what a stupid OS limitation.


Thank you for the replies.

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