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Case sensitive title and Various artist album.


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Hi. I use Poweramp and it's nice. But I find two point  which I want change.

I bought Maxwell's new album (BlackSUMMERS'night) and Poweramp reconginze as same name as last album (BLACKsummers'night).  I hope Poweramp recognize Case sensitive titles.

I also want recognize sound track or mix cd which have many artists as "Various" when try to find album from artist. I put many files to my phone, So it make easier to find album.

Please consider that. Thanks.





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Normally I would not expect case sensitivity in sorting or matching (to allow for capital or lower-case articles such as "A" or "a", "The" or "the", etc to be sorted correctly). I would just add an extra space into one of the album titles to get to be recognised as different items - or teach the artist how to write. :)


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