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Help with subfolder and list loop


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Hello guys i've a problem a can't short out. I use folder view and i click on a folder to play it in loop mode. The problem appen when there are subfolder. Example: principal folder - rock, inside there are 3 subfolder.  If i play rock it loop only the principal folder but not the subfolder, then i select advanced list mode and all is ok and the subfolder play BUT it doesnt loop anymore! And after the last song it goes in the,  for example,  tecno folder... There is a way to make it loop insite the rock folder??? In short i want  to loop the rock folder AND it's subfolder. Thanks!!! 

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You can't do combined functions on a high level folder which then include all of its subfolders - looping will be based on whatever folder the currently playing song resides in.

The easiest way to do it would be to make a playlist or queue from the high level folder: long-press on the top level folder you want to play and select Enqueue (for temporary use) or Add to Playlist (if you will want it again). Then when you play that queue or playlist, it will include all of the contents of the folder, including any subfolders, and it will repeat as long as you have Repeat List enabled.


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Thanks for your answer andrewilley :) 

i tried the queque function and it work, the only problem is when i change folder to listen, it ADD the folder at the queque, is there a way to play a new queque every time? otherwise i've to manually delete the queque every time i want to listen another folder and is quite intricate...

making a playlist won't solve anyting because i've A LOT of folder and i will have to create very much of them.

Thanks again for your time :) 

p.s maybe i sould make a request in the other section of the forum to add this "play with subfolder" button?

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Once a queue has finished playing, the old contents will remain visible in case you might want them again, until you do a new "Enqueue" command which will start a fresh queue. If you still have unplayed content in the queue, you'd need to remove that before adding a new album (with the "Clear Q" option).

Hmm, thinking about it though, if you had the queue in Repeat mode, I guess it would never actually become completed, so you would indeed need to clear it before adding a new set of albums.


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