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Directions for us normal folk to initially setup.


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I have had an ITunes library for ~10yrs.  Everything except cheap ITunes purchases is AAC (APPLE LOSSLESS ) ~14000+ SONGS.  I purchased the program because for the past 2 years post koolaid era with I Phones, I have greatly enjoyed my Samsung S5.  Only one hitch.  No ITunes, (thank you Apple A$$es) streaming Google play sucks and Google Play is VERY poor at downloading music.  So I come to you because you are one of the few programs that can deal with AAC.  I need cookbook instructions on how to get my music to work with you.  Why can't I hardwire to my desktop and select the portions of the library I want in my SD card?  Generalized directions would help millions of us deal with this more complicated than you think task.  Wirelss may be good for small or heavily compressed libraries, but not something this big.  Too bad you didn't have the ability to compress to 128kbps and then let us download the ITunes libary to the 128G SD card I have waiting.

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Assuming you have already downloaded your music files onto your PC, connect your phone to the PC using a USB cable and copy the files over to a folder on the phone's SD Card. You could also plug the SD Card straight into the PC to do the bulk of the copying, which might be quicker.

Poweramp should notice them on the next rescan.


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