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Link songs

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Sometimes when I'm listening to a playlist a song will come on, and I know it's joined to another song  ie no gap in the music, but they are separate mp3 files. Can you create a way to link two songs (or more) together in this scenario, so if it plays track a, it knows to play track b next?

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Erm, if it's in a playlist why not just put the follow-on song next in the list?

Shuffle play is more of an issue though, and it'd be great to have a way to tell Poweramp not to use joined songs in Shuffled playback (e.g. audiobook chapters, concept/story albums like War of the Worlds that flow together, etc)


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Yes, I did mean when it's on shuffle, should have made that clear!

Re your second para, I'm asking for the opposite, I want it to play 2 songs that are consecutive on an album when they are effectively gapless but 2 separate files by some mechanism where you can link them by 'play next song on artist album' or something similar.

Alternatively, there is a feature in PlayerPro that would be very handy - when a particular song is playing, they have a link to go to either the album or artist that's playing so you can queue it up, rather than having to go and find the album/artist.


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I have a few songs like that. As I would only ever want to play them together, I just joined them together to make a longer MP3 file in the first place. I did this using original (lossless) files in an audio editor rather than using one of the MP3 joiner programs that are around, but I assume those would work fine too as long as the music really is encoded with no gaps.


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