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Hi there,

Being new to the Android family, I instantly fell in love with Poweramp as it fulfilled all my music needs. Recently I was tinkering in the settings and saw the option for testing of the new version. I enrolled and downloaded the alpha 3 version. Here are some of the bugs I've found.

1. The Poweramp lock screen doesn't work at all. 

2. The album art sometimes goes missing in the notification area

3. DVC doesn't seem to be working in the Hi-Res output. Also the audio is crackling a bit. Reducing the sampling rate doesn't work. No crackling issue with Hi-Res output disabled.

4. You have to pause-play the current track for it to be scrobbled. 

Device details-

Lenovo Vibe K4 Note (Vibe X3 Lite) running on Marshmallow 6.0

Do let me know if further information is required for debugging. 


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