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Volume settings for an external amp


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I've noticed that when I use Poweramp with an external DAC (AudioQuest DragonFly), the volume has to be maxed out on both the phone and my external amp (Schiit Lyr 2) for it to be listenable. I've noticed that USB Audio Player Pro has a "Hardware Volume" setting that lets you change the volume of the DAC, which boosts the volume to a much more reasonable level to where I don't have to max out the volume knob on my external amp. Is this the same feature as the "Preamp" setting in Poweramp? I would much prefer to use Poweramp over USB Audio Player due to its better UI, but I want to max my volume on the phone without worrying about clipping or distortion. Is USB Audio Player's Hardware Volume setting the same thing as the Preamp function in Poweramp?

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