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A lot of License problems...

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i got really big problems: Poweramp shows always that there is "APM respone - No valid google accounts". That happens about every 2-3 Days. When i restart my cell phone, it plays a song and then the same message comes again. Even when i install it again. And it is getting a bit pesky doing that a few times in the week...

I don't think that this reinstall/install is a permant solution.

My phone: Samsung Galaxy S7, Android 6.0.1 (Stock), Poweramp 2.0.10 Build 585

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Is this a Google purchase or from the website here? Sounds like the account that you purchased the unlocker on isn't correctly set upon your phone, which is odd if it worked before.

Please see the FAQs at http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/topics/50053-Poweramp-unlocker, and if that does not help please email Poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com


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I bought it back then with the Unlocker. And my Account is hooked up on my phone. It worked all the time. Just the last few months, its doing this like crazy. And i already wrote there before in 2015, there i had the same problem, but then it worked after i reinstalled it.


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