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Search Function


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Hi guys,

Firstly, thanks for an awesome music player app. I've tried them all, but Power Amp is by far the best.

I hope my request is a simple one. Right now, when I open the app to look for a particular song, I tap All Songs, then I must click on the 3 dots at the bottom, then I must select Search. Is it possible to have search button (magnifying glass?) appear at the top of the All Songs screen next to the "up" (arrow) icon? Ditto for the Artists screen.

Thanks in advance.


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  • 3 years later...
On 4/2/2016 at 2:24 PM, andrewilley said:

In the new alpha test build, a search magnifying glass is available from the player screen itself.


I still don't see it on mine. I'd have to go through the process as listed above before I can search for a song. Isn't it there a way to bring the search icon to the main page? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has been on the main page (and most other pages) since v3 was first released. Bottom row of icons, third one across.

Note: that line can auto-hide when you scroll down a list, but it re-appears when you move up again (or you can set it to remain permanently in Settings > Library> Lists)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of which, would it be possible to have the option for that search button to limit the search to current playing list by default? Having to scroll a few hundred songs to the top of the list to have the filter seems to be slightly less convenient than tapping once to remove it

Edit: sorry, I swear it didn't work that way 5 minutes ago

Edit 2: seems like the filter gets saved from my last search, but resets after the app was running in the background for a while. My original point still stands

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