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Playlist Names show file type


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Minor irritation, but I moved my playlists to my new phone from the old one. Did this by finding the playlist folder and copying the files to Google drive, then downloading them to the new phone and putting them in a Playlist folder using a files and folder app. It all works, except now the Playlist names all have ".m3u8" after them. They did not on my old phone. Not a huge issue, but does not look as neat. Tried "Rename", but when the "Rename Playlist" box comes up, the file name is not even shown. Tried renaming it on Google Drive, then downloading it, but then it does not show up in the playlist at all.


Any way to fix this?

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Without an extender (either .m3u or .m3u8) the playlist files won't be recognised as playlists and thus wont be imported. All file-based playlists need that extender.

Internal (database style) playlists don't need extenders as they are not files, they just have names. To copy from an external file-based playlist to an internal one, go to Library > Playlists and long-press on a file-based playlist title and select 'Add to Playlist'. Give it a new name and that will then create a new internal list of the same songs, but with no extender showing. Then get rid of the file version using your Files app (or maybe keep a backup copy somewhere, just in case).


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No, you can't just remove a file-based playlist from storage, as the next Rescan will remove that entire playlist from the library's view (in the same way that removing an MP3 file from storage will remove it from Poweramp too). To keep the contents, first add them to an internal playlist and then you can remove the file copy (which will remove the file-based entry from the Library)


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