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Android 6.0 No album art

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Nacho, you state that many other people have the same issue. Are these people posting on this forum? If so what do the responses say?

Plase also state the version of Poweramp you are using. There has been a beta release which has album art display issues and which have been reported here:


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Nacho, seems like it's just you with this problem. In another thread you mentioned you were testing the new alpha-build version of Poweramp, which does have a known bug with album art not appearing when using Playlists.

If you still have this problem, please could you let us know some more details of what version you are using and where you see the problem? Thanks.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Nacho, seems like it's just you with this problem. In another thread you mentioned you were testing the new alpha-build version of Poweramp, which does have a known bug with album art not appearing when using Playlists.

If you still have this problem, please could you let us know some more details of what version you are using and where you see the problem? Thanks.



Andre, I can confirm this problem, too. Right now I have all my cover art as "cover.jpg" files in album folders, because the exact same JPG embedded into MP3 (as ID3v2.4 TPIC tag) or Ogg (as Vorbiscomment METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE) is not shown.


Curiously enough, if I show the file metadata within Poweramp, it confirms there's a 300x300 JPEG embedded on thoses files, but with "0 bytes" size, which is obviously why it is not showing the problem.


I notified of this bug using the bug report form, a week ago or so.


Android 6.0 here, Stock ROM, AndroidOne (so Google "pure" Android, not tweaked by the vendor).


I can provide sample files, if needed, or any other thing if it is in my hands.

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Same here, Andre, in fact I don't use Playlists. No matter which menu I play songs from (Albums, Artists, Songs) the songs doesn't have album cover, EXCEPT if I dump the embedded JPEG's as 'cover.jpg' on album folders. I've used MP3tag for that, so the data in 'cover.jpg' files is exactly the same which is embedded on the ID3/Vorbiscomment tags.


Also, in my case, it affects BOTH ID3 and Vorbiscomments tags, showing "0 bytes" as the embedded file size, just in case it's useful.


As I said, I can provide sample files for testing, and of course I will carry any test if needed.


Thanks in advance!

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Right now I only have an Android 6.0 device at hand, so I can't test in other devices. Maybe in a few days. A friend of mine has 6.0.1 but he doesn't install trial versions (you know, people...) so right now I can confirm if this is yet-another-Google-botched-job or another kind of problem.


As for the sample file, let me prepare one for you containing silence as sound (both for not infringing copyrights and to make it as small as possible), fake metadata and a fake cover. I'll check if the problem happens and I will give you a link to the sample file.


I hope I will have the file prepared soon.


Thanks Andre :)

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Andre, I have the files prepared and uploaded. Since they don't contain copyrighted material, neither in the audio nor the cover art (it's an image I've created myself), I think it's safe to put the link here so other users can download the files and test this problem.


There are THREE files:

  • ID3v2.4.mp3 An MP3 file with ID3v2.4 (UTF-8 encoded) metadata
  • ID3v2.3.mp3 An MP3 file with ID3v2.3 (UTF-16LE with BOM encoded) metadata
  • VorbisComment.ogg An Ogg file with VorbisComment (UTF-8 encoded) metadata

All of them contain 10 seconds of stereo pink noise and I've used the same bitrate I use for my real audio files, just in case it matters, even though it means they are a bit bigger than I planned. Still, all of them are under 300kb in size.


Here is the link: http://1drv.ms/1PTzxio


In my Poweramp cover art is not shown. In any other player and metadata handler I've tested, they are shown: Google Music, foobar2000, MP3tag.


If more information is needed, please let me know. And thanks for helping with this, Andre.

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Andre, the problem may be in Marshmallow or in the latest Poweramp version: I don't know about Nacho but I'm using latest Play Store build (2.0.10-build-582-play) and not latest alpha version. Maybe it works in alpha.


Can I uninstall the trial version and install the alpha, or better yet since I was going to buy the full version next week, have BOTH versions running in parallel?

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Thanks Theo. That is weird...


Just to cross all "t": which Android version do you have, 6.0.0 or 6.0.1


I find this weird because if the fault is in our terminals, I can't understand why it happens. I mean, Poweramp is reading a file which obviously it can read, a file which obviously has proper metadata, it is reading ALL metadata correctly EXCEPT one field. Is Poweramp using some operating system service to read the image? Because that would explain why it fails in our terminals: a bug in OUR firmware which we then have to report to the maker.


Andre, do you know if Poweramp is reading the file directly from the binary data or is it using some operating system service to decode the image? Still, the same files work in Google Play Music and I suppose GPM is using the same service, if any, but just to check.


Thanks a lot for this information. At least now we know it's not exactly a bug in Poweramp, but some weird interaction or a bug in our firmware.

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As far as I am aware (and as you know, I'm not the dev) Poweramp does all the data parsing itself, it does not rely on the Android library for separating tag data. Which is what makes this issue so weird.

Sorry, but for some reason I thought this was related to the alpha test v3 version (my bad). If you want to try it though, you can install it over the current release build - but you can't have both loaded on one device at the same time. To revert, you'll need to uninstall the alpha app and re-install the Play build. You can also restore the app's data folder if you want, but in your case that's probably not worth doing as you've only just starting using Poweramp anyway. See the first and second posts in http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/8494-poweramp-alpha-build-700/


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I'll try the alpha, then. I've backed up my settings for the "official" build so I can restore them after the test and buy the full version. Thanks A LOT for the advice.


It's a pity I can't run both versions in parallel because I want to have a stable player but I would be more than happy of helping with the development. I'll try to find another terminal which can run Poweramp alpha to test it as thoroughly as I can.


Give me a minute and I'll test the files with the alpha version. If Poweramp is reading the metadata itself and doing all the parsing itself, I can't see how reading the embedded art can fail, but I'm more than eager to help debugging this.


I can't see the album art for the test songs. When playing the visualization appears correctly but if I touch it, the album art is not shown. On the Album listing or the widget the art doesn't appear either. If I put the embedded JPEG files in 'cover.jpg' files in the album folders, they're used and the album art is shown.


Curiously enough, now Poweramp is detecting the embedded album art as before, telling it's a 300x300 JPEG file, but this time it doesn't say it's "0 bytes" long, but the correct 5287 bytes. I've checked the data within the files and the embedded art contains the proper JPEG headers.


And I noticed I can't grant permission to Poweramp to edit the tags. Usually, in Android 6 it is done by showing the internal file explorer and selecting the folder, but here the explorer is not shown. This is not important, though, what I'm interested in is why Poweramp is properly detecting the art and not showing it unless it's a folder outside the files, not embedded in them.


I'll keep the alpha version for a few days to do more tests.


I'm now more confused than ever...

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Im using the 2.0.10-build-582 version. I have the cover problem since i ve update to android 6.0 version. I ve never had this problem in others android versions. This is new for me. The thing is i can see the covers in other players.

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The alpha version is actually pretty stable, I'm using it as my main player.

I assume you have checked the various options within the Settings > Album Art, and tried to clear all cached art too?

To allow writing to tags on SD Cards, you need to try to DELETE a music file from within Poweramp first (which will present you with the Grant Access list) and then after that writing to tags will work too. That will be fixed on a future release (it already has been on maintenance build 584 in the forums for the release version, http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/3189-poweramp-build-584-updated-10-feb-2016/ ).


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The alpha version is actually pretty stable, I'm using it as my main player.

But that version can't be bought, am I wrong? Or can I buy the "full" version and use the alpha with that license? I don't have any problem with using the alpha version as main player if it fills my needs.


I assume you have checked the various options within the Settings > Album Art, and tried to clear all cached art too?

I do that in each and every test. In Settings > Album Art I have "Download Album Art" unchecked, "Show Album Art" checked and I've tried with a lot of combinations of other settings like "High resolution", "Use 24-bit", animations, zoom, prefer one or other souce, etc. To no avail (so far).


To allow writing to tags on SD Cards, you need to try to DELETE a music file from within Poweramp first (which will present you with the Grant Access list) and then after that writing to tags will work too. That will be fixed on a future release (it already has been on maintenance build 584 in the forums for the release version, http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/3189-Poweramp-build-584-updated-10-feb-2016/ ).

Oh, thanks for solving this, you're great :)

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