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Too Many Failed Files under Android 6.0


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I'm a long time paid Poweramp user and have never had a problem until now.  After installing Android 6.0 on my HTC M8, I started receiving a 'Too many failed files' error.  I have about 5,000 mp3 files on a 32gb micro sd card.  Only about 128 of them are usable, now.  No songs have been added or deleted during this time period.  Also, I have tried other music players on the phone and they can access the songs without any problem, so I don't think the card, folders, or files are corrupted.


I can't be certain if it is the 6.0 update or the 2.0.10 build 584 Poweramp.  I didn't use Poweramp for a couple of weeks after the 6.0 update and I don't know when the Play Store updated my Poweramp to the current version.


I searched the forums for advice, but most/all of the information was for the update to Kit Kat.  I had no problems with that update.


Can anyone help?



Dean Park

St. Louis, MO  USA

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