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Preserving ratings on upgrading to beta Poweramp release


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there has been a lot of discussion on this forum on how to preserve the ratings when upgrading phone (or upgrading Poweramp). This has not been possible so far


I just checked the new release and it appears to pick up the ratings from the mp3 tags.

As I simply reinstalled the new release, the old database will have been overwritten and Poweramp will have scanned my sdcard to re populate this database using the mp3 tag details found on the tracks. As I had previously updated the "rating" mp3 tag on the tracks using my app, Poweramp has now picked these up so it seems to be working.. 



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I rather thought that would be the case, I don't think anything much has changed in the user interface side of things as yet (apart from stuff that directly relates to the new audio engine or the visualisation addition). Max wants to make sure everything works in terms of playback before getting into feature changes.


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