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Need help with seemingly non-functional Lyrics feature


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Greetings to all; Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy (almost) New Year.


To get right into my problem, I paid for this program not realizing it has virtually no user guide or manual anywhere, other than a vague FAQ that does little to meaningfully answer technical questions. I've been searching for months now for a simple answer to a simple question:


How the heck do you get Poweramp to display lyrics when playing a song?


I did the research before asking this question -- someone asked this fairly straight-forward question once before already and appeared to have never received a response of any kind.


I keep seeing mention of a MusixMatch "plugin" but I see no PA-specific plugins for download in the Play store that aren't UI skins; unless I missed it, I haven't I seen any explanation of what the plugin even does (besides I guess fetching lyrics), or whether said plugin is already integrated in the software or not, and if it isn't, then where to find it. The only thing I keep turning up is a whole completely different app called MusixMatch, which I downloaded once before and was able to listen to a song I like there, with the lyrics showing -- but, IIRC MusixMatch streamed the song, and streaming is essentially useless to me since I move around a lot and not always with access to an internet connection, so I uninstalled it.


YES, I have activate the lyric feature in the Poweramp settings (Settings > Player UI > Look & Feel > Lyrics), but I have no idea what the options it gives me actually do -- after trying each option (IE: Ask / Auto / MusixMatch Plugin / Tags) with the same song, at no point did Poweramp display any lyrics of any kind, so it seems as if they all do nothing. I attempted to use each option while at home where we have WiFi, but still no dice. What am I missing?


Unrelated: I was also wondering if someone could explain to me whether Poweramp saves said lyrics and displays them even offline, or if you have to have internet access to use the lyric feature too, like MusixMatch?


This app seems very promising and has a number of excellent features that set it apart from and let it outperform other music players in my opinion, but end-user support is atrocious, and to say I'm getting a little frustrated with this is an understatement.


Thank you very much in advance to anyone can shed some light on this problem.


Thanks again!


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Poweramp does not display the lyrics itself, the MusicxMatch app does that in a pop up display while Poweramp is playing a song.

It's a while since I last tried it (I uninstalled it as I never found out how the stop it popping up on its own when I didn't want it) but it did seem to work fine and with minimal (if any) set up required. I seem to recall it's not real-time though (i.e. no scrolling text in time with the song vocals) if that's what you were looking for. Perhaps someone who uses it regularly could chip in here?


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I have lyrics for most of my MP3s embedded in the ID3 tags (UNSYNCEDLYRICS, to be exact) and they are viewable in Poweramp. To view them, I have to touch to open the dropdown menu (...) at the top-right of the playing screen and select 'Lyrics'. This displays the lyrics (in plain text with no highlighting or automatic scrolling) over the top of the screen, and you close it by touching outside of the textbox.


Getting the lyrics into the files is a bit more awkward though. I use MP3Tag, but it doesn't show the Unsynced Lyrics field by default so you'd first need to manually fix that. Open 'Options' in the 'Tools' dropdown menu at the top and go to the 'Tag Panel' section, the click the 'Add Field' icon (a star on a blank page). Select the field UNSYNCEDLYRICS and the name (I used Unsynced Lyrics), and also tick the 'Multiline' box. If you want the tag to show in the main table as well, right-click the top of one of the columns and click 'Customise Columns'. Click 'New', then put %unsyncedlyrics% in the 'Value' and 'Field' boxes plus a title for the column.

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My own program of choice for tag editing on my PC is TagScanner, and that allows easy pasting of lyric info into MP3 files (either by loading from text files or just copy & paste). I thought the OP was looking for a more automated solution that might search for the lyrics online though.


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