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Different artists with the same album name

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Hello everyone!
I have been using this player for a long time, and I haven't any problems. But, recently, I have had one wish.
Everyone knows about Greatest Hits albums, I think. What I want to say is that they display slightly uncorrectly in Poweramp: if I have two different artists, and both of them have Greatest Hits albums, they merge into one. Usually, I have been solving this problem by this way: I have been naming album like - Artist - Greatest Hits (for example, Adele - Greatest Hits, or 30 Seconds to Mars - Greatest Hits), but I want normal tags, without any changes from original. Filling the Album Artist field doesn't affect, although in Sony Walkman Music player it works. Hope it will be fixed very soon.
Device: Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact LTE.
Android 4.4.4, Stock with Root.
Poweramp 2.0.10-build-582-play


P.S. Sorry for my poor English  :rolleyes:


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 ....  Filling the Album Artist field doesn't affect, although in Sony Walkman Music player it works. Hope it will be fixed very soon.



The Album Artist tag isn't respected by PA. If you search you'll find it's been a requested feature for a long time now. Can't see why it's such a problem implementing it to be honest ....  but then I'm not the developer.

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