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Progress bar off since Marshmallow update

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hey guys


was wondering about an issue that I'm seeing since receiving the android marshmallow update.  Poweramp progress bar (when track playing) seems to be off, like the current position/progress isn't actually where the track is.  So when you tap it to drag track etc, it jumps around/isn't in the right position. The spot that you drag is off and/or visually the progress meter is off.


I have tried reloading skins, going back to default skin, (which appears to fix it on first load) but then it reverts next time the app is loaded I believe. Just can't shake the bug.  Making it difficult to skip in tracks/know actual progress etc.


  • Poweramp version 2.0.10-build-581-play (Full)
  • Nexus 5
  • Android 6


It happened to me a long time ago in an older version of Poweramp on a Galaxy S3 Mini with CM11. I would try to use the progress bar and it wouldn't function correctly, it would move to somewhere else and i don't remember if it stopped the song or did nothing.

I also have this (or a similar) issue with the progress bar.

It looks like the bar is not linear. The first minute(s) of a song are squeezed in the very left side, while the last minutes are streched across the right side (as if the time progress follows a negative exponential distribution). 

However, I can not tell if this bug is connected to the android 6 upgrade, since I did not use Poweramp before I installed the upgrade.


Nexus 5, Android 6, Poweramp 2.0.10-build-581-play

hm, that is a good insight there about 'first minutes being squeezed'/distribution.  I played around with it and notice if I restart playing the track when I am experiencing the problem, sometimes it presents a correct progress bar (can drag from right points).  So perhaps it is something to do with how the progress bar is drawn based on the track length when it is loading.


<Shrug> if that helps/means anything.


Thanks devs!

  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

I have a Huawei P9 with marshmallow and the HD skin designed by you don't work, even the build 8 I downloaded from the downloads section. When it is installed it displays 48.0dip and doesn't work

And the 3rd party skins are named [Pl_8098]_Cancel, with any response


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