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radom play mode using the given ratings


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Your Player is realy greate. Worth every $!

One thing I'm missing is a random playing mode, which plays the song more often, if they hava a good rating and less if they have a bad rating.


For example:

I have 3 song:


Song A -> rating = 4 stars

Song B -> rating = 3 stars

Song C -> rating = 1 star


So when I play these songs would be played random, but Song A would be played 4 times, while Song B would be played 3 times, while Song C would be played 1 time.


Here one example for the order they could be played:


Song A

Song B

Song A

Song B

Song A

Song C

Song B

Song A

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Poweramp shuffle logic can't introduces duplications into the current played/shuffled list.
But still you can have actual duplications in the library, or something forces Poweramp to reload the list, e.g.
new list is selected, or shuffle mode is changed.
More on this here: http://powerampapp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1010&p=3644&hilit=reordered#p3644

Poweramp has shuffle sessions stored to database. This means shuffle sessions will survive Poweramp reloads or/and
phone reboots, etc.


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