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cover art

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Hi there,

loving Poweramp and the increased quality & volume of sound on my new HTC Desire HD.

Quick question... what folder do I need to pop a .jpg file into so that Poweramp will find it?

The stock player has all covers showing up correctly but with Poweramp I have one missing which it can't find automatically or when I long press the blank image on the player. It's probably me but I did get all the others to select the one I wanted... it's just this one :oops:

Many thanks


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Hi there, I'd already checked that out but as an 'old fogey' with a very smart phone it didn't help me :oops: (If it makes a difference it's an HTC Desire HD)

I found a folder that a couple of recent covers seemed to be added to - sdcard/android/data/com.maxmpz... album_art and copied it in there but still nothing shows up and when I long press the standard one it doesn't even find it as an option!

Appreciate anybody's time and help on this one - I know it's hardly life or death but it's so annoying to have one blank that just won't fill in :D

If anybody can just tell me where to put the .jpg I'd appreciate it (no rude answers thanks :D )

Many thanks


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