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Library needs complete rescan after every reboot

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Pipo M8hd

PA version 2.0.10 build579 play (full)

Android 4.4.2 RileyRom


Hi, I'm having a weird issue with Poweramp's library scanner. I have two tablets with PA installed and have my music on a networked HDD which both tablet access using a mount point using cifs manager. The old tablet has been doing this fine for a few years now, but the recently acquired pipo has this problem with the library scanner. 


What happens is that it scans all the files OK (just short of 1tb, so it takes a while!), but then if and when I shut the tablet down and later restart I find that there's no sign of a library and have to go back to square one again - a lengthy rescan! ANy ideas what might be causing this and is there anything I can do to fix it? Strange that it's all fine on the old tablet ...


Thanks in advance.


Hi, thanks for your reply, but no, it's not that. I mount the share way before I open Poweramp, and anyway even if I didn't this doesn't explain why it has lost all the details from the last scan. The other tablet just says 'file not found' if I try to open a track without mounting the folder with cifs first. On the pipo, whenever I restart the tablet and open Poweramp there aren't any folders or files present. I then have to do a rescan. 

OK, now the problem is replicating on both tablets so I have to conclude that it's the result of an update. Both tablets now show 'folders not available' after a restart and need a manual prompting to rescan before finding any folders. As this process takes up to thirty minutes and often seems to require multiple rescans, as for some reason not quite all the folders are scanned completely first time round, this is pretty well the end of the line for me with Poweramp. It's been a great player for me for nearly four years, but for all the gui is great and folder view used to be marvellous, I'm now going to have to find another player. 

I assume you've tried adjusting the options in Settings > Folders and Library > Folders/Library Scanner ? If not, it might be worth disabling some of the scan options and see if that resolves your problem.

There are older versions of Poweramp available to download if you want to try reverting to an older release to see if the problem has happened with a Poweramp update or some other change in your system. See http://forum.powerampapp.com/index.php?/topic/3189-poweramp-build-580-updated-06-june-2015/ .



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