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Are there any tutorials for using Poweramp?


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I want to import playlists.

I clicked on "How to Import Playlist Files"

Instead of any instructions on HOW TO IMPORT PLAYLIST FILES, it just says
"Poweramp automatically recognizes file based playlists from checked Music Folder and puts them into Library/Playlists category."


It obviously does NOT do this as I see none of my playlists in Libray or Playlists.



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Poweramp is an app developed by a single person (like quite a lot of Android apps in fact) so sadly there's no big customer service team at 'Poweramp Central' to contact. However there are some of us here in the forums who will be able to help advise with specific questions, and the Search function can often be helpful too, to find previous answers on the same topic.

There is also a FAQ list, but I agree that the initial learning curve can be a little steeper than with some other apps because of the flexibility and number of features and settings that Poweramp supports - it's not like a Google-made app where the Settings menu contains about three items. However the idea is that the default settings should work 'out of the box' and users can discover other more esoteric stuff later. That's how I always use apps on my devices anyway, I don't think I've even met an Android app with a user manual in fact - or not that I've ever read anyway. ;)


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OK, I should have said that I'm new to Android right at the start, so I've never had to learn an android app like this before. I didn't know they don't come with instructions. And, having been an apple person for a good part of my computing life, I'm not picking up on the android way of doing things as fast as I think I should be.
I think part of my problem is that maybe my music isn't filed "correctly" in itunes. Some is by album name, some is by artist. I have single songs by one artist as well as several songs from one album without the rest from the same album. I may have gotten so used to using itunes over the years, that I set myself up for this current set of problems just by never learning if there was a "correct" way I should have been categorizing my music.

Thank you.

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Yes, moving from an Apple ecosystem to Android can be a bit of a wrench. Overall, Android is far more flexible and customisable than Apple tends to be - but on the downside, all that control means that things that Apple (e.g. iTunes and iOS) did for you automatically, in its own way, tend to be a little more manual on Android.


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Thank you, I'll slog on for the rest of my free trial period.
Is there any reason I would get playlists that have nothing in them, and multiple examples of the same empty playlists when I try to bring music to Poweramp?

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  • 2 years later...

Andre your effort to protect Poweramp is commendable but problem is - help menu in app is useless.  APP clearly does not have any option to point at specific music folder or playlist. It does not navigate to sd card.  It pics audio files in some strange manner but won't find 2500 songs I have on my sd card or playlist I specifically created on the phone so maybe it can open that. Nope.  So sure it's a nice toy but what good is it if you can't point it to what you want - or, there are no instructions how to? To buy it and use something else because it's dumb?

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That is answered on the Play Store product info in fact (in the second FAQ), and also in the very first entry on the FAQ item right here on this site (http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323516-my-songs-are-missing-from-folders-library) which you would have seen before you drilled down to this forum thread, and also the first entry in the FAQs provided in the 'Get Support' function in the app itself.

Basically, just go to Poweramp Settings > Folders and Library > Music Folders and simply select where you would like Poweramp to scan for your music. Personally I tend to untick everything at the top level first, and then select only the one folder that contains my music, but you are free to use whatever layout works for you. You may want to do a Full Rescan afterwards just to ensure everything is cleaned up the way you want.

Oh, and this thread is more than two years old!


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