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Album art help (folder.jpg)


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Hey, I'm trying to get my album art to work with Poweramp. I have what seem to be the appropriate settings checked but I can't get my folder.jpg album arts to display.


To make it clear, my album art is in each folder with the music (titled "folder.jpg".) I was under the understanding that this would work, am I missing something? Can anyone help me out please.


Is it possible there is a general size limit on album art when doing it in this fashion?

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Art is not written back into the MP3 tags at the moment, but stored in a work directory on the device's internal storage: Android\data\_com.maxmpz.audioplayer\album_art\

Displaying folder.jpg art will normally be overridden firstly by art stored inside the files, and then by images downloaded for that track. See http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323535-how-album-art-for-a-track-is-selected for the rules.


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It wouldn't display any album art at all, because I hadn't tried the other methods and the folder.jpg images were not being displayed while browsing albums.


Either way I'm now doing my album art through the built in search and then manually downloading otherwise.

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