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Black Lock Screen

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Hi all,


I have a really nit-picky issue that recently started happening on my Verizon Galaxy Note 4.  Sometimes the album art on the lock screen just doesn't appear—only a black screen shows up. Other times, it seems like the album art has to load, so I see the black screen for a second or so before the album art appears. Sometimes when I am no longer listening to music, the black screen still appears. The controls for moving forward/backward between tracks appears without any problem. 


Just thought I would see if there is a simple way to fix the problem. I know that I can turn off the album art completely, but I'd rather not do that.



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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone else seen this issue? I'm still experiencing it, and it drives me crazy. I want to be able to see my beautiful album artwork on the lock screen! As of now, I have to deal with sometimes seeing the album artwork (after a short stutter of black screen), and sometimes my screen is just black the entire time. I don't like having to turn album artwork completely off under the lock screen options. 

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