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Purchased Poweramp through website more than 2 months ago, still failing to verify license


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"Website. restore purchase" results in:




I am using the stock email application.. i think is the aosp one, the one with the yellowish icon.. (it could also be from Samsung.. I am not sure but it is definitely stock)

In the email app, I created an imap account with the above mentioned email address: *******.*****@vfemail.net

the information on "http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323571-unlocker-without-google-account" has changed and now it is not clear whether or not an IMAP account on stock app is a valid way to unlock Poweramp. please clarify

I am confused. Please Poweramp, tell me how can I unlock Poweramp...

Considering that I dont have any Google application on my phone (nor i want to for a number of reasons), what is the best option I have?, the stock aosp email app really can no longer work?


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Please could you report this issue directly to Poweramp.mazmpz(at)gmail.com . Thanks.Andre

I already did, in December. The answer I got from Poweramp.mazmpz(at)gmail.com was:

Starting from Poweramp build-550 there is no Unlocker for website purchase, and Poweramp is unlocked in-app via Settings => Already Purchased? => Website.

Detailed instructions:

0. uninstall any other versions of Poweramp Full Version Unlocker if you have them

1. ensure your Internet connection is working on the device and you can open http://powerampapp.com

2. ensure your Google or Email account (as specified in purchase confirmation email from PayPro Global) is registered under Android settings => Accounts

3. ensure you have Poweramp build-550 or later from Poweramp website (http://powerampapp.com/download-Poweramp). Play builds don't have non-Play purchase support

4. in Poweramp Settings use Already Purchased? => Website and type in Google/Email account and Order ID (as specified in purchase confirmation email from PayPro Global).

More details - Restore Poweramp Purchase

I have followed these instructions, yet my app fails to register

Could you please tell me if what I am doing is right?..

I have an imap account in the stock app of my phone. the account email is the same email i used to registered this forum account

you can also check on your payment logs that there is a payment from this email address

I have root, and i have a firewall AFwall, but I am sure Poweramp has access to the internet

I think you must have blocked license verification from my phone or something, please check it and fix it


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Specific user issues cannot be addressed in the forums (as it would require personal details to be posted) so please can you email back to that same address, saying that you have tried what was suggested but still need further help so it can be checked for you. Include all the details of what you have tried in your email.


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what is the point of sending an email if you never reply???


I have sent 4 emails in the last few days. your only reply was on 25th of Feb


How much longer do i need to wait?


Also, i noticed that when Poweramp is installed my phone stays hot constinuosly. a full charge goes away in about 3 hours!!!


seriously guys... the only improvement I have noticed in Poweramp during the last 4 years is that now Poweramp can read lyrics from "lyrics" field in flac files... and even that does not fully work because it does not support lyrics with timestamps and one cannot add/edit meta fields to read lyrics from (e.g. "unsynced lyrics")


This is very disappointing. It looks like you spend a 99.99% of development efforts on making the licensing process a hell... yet fail to beat tools such as lucky patcher

I dont want to use lucky patcher. i have paid for this app because you stated that it would work if I have an email account in the account panel.

Please keep your word and make the licensing possible that way

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