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All of a sudden....Duplicates.


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I've been doing the same thing all the time, I import my playlists and there are only have 28 playlist but when I import them it says found 56 and now I have DUP playlist.

Also the funny thing is the same playlist (ex: My 2015 Music Set (playlist) should only have 37 tracks in it, 1 DUP playlist says it has 179 songs in it and the other DUP 1 playlist says it has 105 songs in it.


What is going on????

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i have read other posts on this forum about discrepancies on playlists but not sure what is going on here.

The best way to troubleshoot is to try a few things

Do any of these playlists show up in the stock android music player? If so, do they look as you expect

Export all your playlists as .m3u playlists. Use a text editor to see what it actually holds

Use an external app such as New Playlist Manager


which manages native android playlists but also can create .m3u playlists. Poweramp is quite happy with m3u playlists.

Following some or all of these steps should show whether Poweramp is the problem or whether you should look elsewhere.I hope this helps

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Yes they do show up in my stock (Music App). They also show up all messed up, I THINK they it triples each song, because 1 of my Playlist has 333 songs in it and every time I export the playlist and comes up 999. I've been using the .m3u files,


but been having problems with those since forever (plus I don't like the .m3u look of them that's y I export them to have the name of the PList look clean) I have a soundtrack playlist from movies/tv shows and some songs would duplicate and in be in ABC order WEIRD, but when I would export the playlist everything would be fine lol.

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All i can think of is that perhaps your mp3 tags are incomplete/incorrect. I have found for instance that multiple values for say composer, make the album cover show up several times when showing in albums only. Did you try my New Playlist Manager app? This app simply deals with android based playlists so what you see is what you get. It will also show up incomplete tags etc. I think that the first step is to understand where the problem lies Eg Poweramp or somewhare else.

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No I didn't try playlist manager I wanna see if i can fix it without paying for something...but I did CLEAN my songs (if that makes sense) with Tag Scanner on my computer and that fix (for now AND hopefully forever) it's funny cuz I normally clean my music anyway but I really haven't in a while. 


Thank You...

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Yea it was really odd...before that I would have a copy folder of my playlists, cuz sometimes when I do a rescan or (full rescan) it would delete the .m3u files on the SD card weird. Everything is fine now but if happens again I will write. I update my music on my phone at least every week or every 2 weeks.

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